Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My favorite mistake

This picture is a perfect example of my favorite mistake. It is a three-fold mistake, one layer adding to the next. First, I deem the pictures horrid at the scene of the shot, only looking at the camera screen. Next, since the pictures are so horrid, what's the point of going up to the person the shot is of and asking them all their caption information? I mean, why get thier hopes up if you know it's not going to run? And finally, the grand finale, turning the picture in to my editor anyway; neglecting to delete it, even though it has no information. And every time, what do you think happens????

It runs front page on the Optimist. I'm dead serious. Sometimes I think the most secure way I have of getting a picture on the front page is to neglect to get caption information. The caption that ran under this picture, somehow Brian, our chief photographer, got.

Lining up for some soul
David Galaz, Junior international studies major from Elsa, serves food to students Monday during the Soul Food Festival, an event to celebrate Black History Month.

Brian suggested that I learn from this mistake. Cade will suggest the same during our lab today. But lets be honest. Will I learn? Probably not.


Gary Rhodes said...

Thanks for your comments over on my blog. As for your "mistake" this week you may have forgotten the caption, but your photo is pretty good. I know you said you didn't like it, but as several of us said in class, the photo works. I can't seem to make shots like that work at all, usually it's because I can't seem to get both sides of the line in the frame as you did. I look forward to seeing some more work done with that 50mm. Don't let me get me started on prime lenses though, I am a fanatic.

Anonymous said...

ahhh soul food...makes any picture worth while. but yet you have capture the true escence of good food. (see what a whole diet of ramen noodles does to a person). in all serious though i do like the pic as always.
