Sunday, February 05, 2006

There's no green in Abilene...

About two months ago, my roommate informed me I needed to start looking for a new fall residence...and a new roommate. Apparently, she decided she loves this BJ kid she's been dating, that she wants to marry him on July 22 or so, and the idea of me living with them was only a lot akward. And so began the long list of things that have to happen when you want a wedding: the actual proposal, calling everyone you can think of, apologizing to those you didn't think of, planning the day of JULY 22 down to the very last second, and, of course, the engagement photos.

These two photos were taken at Minter Park, on Cypress St. in downtown Abilene. I used my brand-new 50mm lens (that is fabulous, by the way) and an ISO of 200 (because I wasn't an idiot and actually thought about my settings this time). I find it extremely funny that Kalyn wanted pictures taken here, because she's been complaining since we were freshmen about the "pretty little park downtown that everyone at ACU proposes at." Kalyn has broken a lot of her personal rules with this engagement business. She's annoyed with herself that she's become the sterotypical education major she's always made fun of...and yet, she won't postpone her impending marraige and save me from having to move.

This photo was taken at the park next to the depot in downtown Abilene. We opted for parks with water because it is February in West Texas in a six month drought--There is no green in Abilene. Water is the next best thing. Spontaneous pictures are one area I definately need to work on. When I'm looking for a specific picture, in this case the perfect engagement photo, it's hard for me to switch gears and catch the happy couple as he attempts to throw her into the fountain...but, I think you can get the idea from what I did get.

And my vote for the engagement photo: two happy faces--who wouldn't believe this is a couple in love?--a nice bare tree to represent the dusty barren land in which they will tie the knot, and even a little bit of green. The colors of their clothes complement the background colors nicely, and the sunlight and wind--for once--worked with us. But I'll let you know what they choose.


Anna said...

It's a little sad to hear you are losing roommates faster than most, but it is a good opportunity for pictures! I like the spontaneous picture. And I usually seem to miss those pictures too. I agree about the wind; usually not helpful but in this case it looks good.

Laci said...

honestly, the kissing one kinda grosses me out.. but they other pics are unique and beautiful. I'm sorry hear about your roommate situation.. maybe you should find some stray cats..

Laci said...

yea, the Gumm children are in those photos, thier dad-Eric is our college minister at Westgate CoC. Thanks for the comment.

Gary Rhodes said...

You shot their photos even though they are kicking you out?!?!!? Your a nicer person than most. Really though, they are good portraits, especially the fountain one. I am sure they will enjoy them, especially the unposed ones. On a side note, I was just remembering that Cade suggested a longer lens for portraits. There used to be a 105mm manual focus nikon lens that I "borrowed" from the department for a semester. No one else even knew it existed, you might ask him about it.