Wednesday, February 22, 2006

blowing bubbles, and other happenings

This week I decided to do something a little different. As I constantly have to remind my father, I do have five classes other than this one, so I decided to post a little of what I'm doing in those.

The following picture is one I took during Homecoming in October. The man's name is Joel and he's attending an outdoor game day, like inflatables and throwing darts at balloons, with his little girl.

So in my Art for Elementary Education class, we were getting a brief intro to watercolor, so I decided to use that picture. This is my first attempt at watercolor ever, so be gentle.

The next picture is one I took in August of 2004 while studying abroad in Europe. What you're seeing is the Robert Burns memorial, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and it is the first thing I saw when I stepped out of the train station upon arriving there. It is also one of my favorite images that I have captured, maybe because of the color, but more likely because of the moment it holds.

Witches, Poets and Pretty Pink Flowers

In my basic drawing class, we were learning to create value with ink lines and Mrs. Willis asked us to bring in personal pictures to practice with. Here is my result. The picture of the drawing isn't as good as it could be, but blogger didn't like my edited image. Grrrrr.


Anna said...

I like both photos and the watercolor is good too. I know what you mean about the Scotland picture. I have a lot of pictures that I love because of the "moment." I like the all the lines of the stairs and the color of the flowers is beautiful.

Gary Rhodes said...

I like the Scotland photo. Also, the watercolor is really good. I like the way you transfered the idea from a photo to the paper.

Rachel said...

emerald, wow, I didn't know you are quite the artist! The painting and drawing are amazing!

Anonymous said...

You're a great artist. I love your drawings. Thanks for sharing them too.