Saturday, July 22, 2006

Rainy days and Mondays

I gotta tell ya, not having Comm Law for a few days makes me really happy! And to top it off, today it rained. Now if you've spent very much time around me, you know I LOVE rainy weather--one of the many reasons why I consider England the actual Garden of Eden. Give me humidity, grey skies, thunder, lightning, and sheets of huge soft raindrops any day! So I spent the morning--after playing on the porch with my camera--sitting in the below pictured chair reading a British Cosmopolitan and enjoying the rain through the below pictured window.

A sidenote: to all my recently married or about-to-be-married friends--forget the kama sutra books! You can learn all you want to know and then some from one issue of the British version of Cosmo. I kid you not! I learned all kinds of things this morning I could have had a happier life not knowing.

I spent my afternoon, playing tech support to a 5-year-old. It belongs to Steven and Jennifer, our house parents, and it's the middle of three very animated girls. Today they all went to have tea--but this one had hot chocolate, because she doesn't like tea. And Jam. She definately had jam...strawberry...and something she ate at tea was still stuck to her face, but I thought it was cute so I didn't bother telling her. She told me I should definately go to have tea where she had tea, but she couldn't remember how to get there or what its name was, so I am supposed to go "down that road and ask the first hotel you see if they serve tea and if they don't, well, they'll tell you the one that does." Yep. She's cute.

My job today--yes Team 55 is paying me to do this, amazing--was to help her print color sheets of JoJo the circus clown off Disney's website. I will say, and Kenny (the only other ACU student in the house today) agrees with me, that I have heard enough of JoJo's theme music to last a lifetime! You can click here to print a color sheet of JoJo. And here to hear a sample of the music. I love my job.


Laci said...

thanks for the pointers for british cosmo!!

Anna said...

I had that Team55 job when I was in Oxford. I don't think I ever really fixed much but that's ok. I like the updates!