Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Kayla! (...and Darby)

Sunday I took one of my most enjoyable engagement sessions--but it helps when you're good friends with your subjects! Meet Kayla and Darby, engaged to be married July 07, 2007. They were absolutely adorable and this is session one of two...a few more formal pictures to come!

Photographer's note: since I didn't know what size Kayla and Darby would need or how they would be using the pictures, I didn't do any additional photoshop cropping.

So the title: when I started this blog, I was living with our friend Kalyn (don't get confused by all these K's!), who ended up being the subject for most of my posts there in the beginning. So now that we had an excuse to take pictures of Kayla, she's very excited to have an entire post dedicated to KAYLA! (....and Darby.) Now for the pics!

Quick funny story:
I needed an assistant for distraction on this shoot, so I enlisted Kayla's roommate Brittany. So to get this shot, I positioned Brittany to my right and said,
"Kayla kiss Darby, Darby look at Brittany."
To which Kayla quipped,
"That's the story of our relationship right there!"
and I laughed.

Some of these shots are my first attempts at taking shots similar to Mike and Holly, who I am interning with, and Lauren Clark. I think I still need some practice...anyone else getting married????


Anonymous said...

Emerald....You are so incredibly talented! Thank you so much for taking the pictures of Kayla and Darby--they are wonderful! You are such a sweet friend for doing this and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! I love the one with the post that has the date on it. Did you deface any property to get this shot? There are some really good shots here.

Rachel said...

these are beautiful! you're getting super good at this!

Brittany Baumgartner said...

You are getting pretty dang good, girl. Seriously, these look amazing. P.S. I'll be happy to assist you in distracting attractive males anytime you need me.

Emerald Lemmons said...

be reassured, no property was defaced in the making of these photos

Anonymous said...

Em, these look great - very professional! I'm not getting married but if you ever feel like practicing taking pictures on a lark, I love being a poser....er...I mean, a model. *smirk* Seriously these look awesome. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures of a cute couple!

Kalyn Gensic said...

And yet, I still managed to get into the blog. HAHA HEHE!

Anonymous said...

Emerald, I am Kayla's Aunt Katina. These pictures are WONDERFUL! You are incredibly talented (I work with a budding professional photographer and she was blown away by the quality of your work!)...
Of course, I am completely biased! I think your subjects are absolutely awesome!!
Katina Jones

Anonymous said...

I just now got to look at these and I love them! If you want more practice, I'm not getting married, but if you find a really cute guy, I'd pose with him! ;-)

Gary Rhodes said...

Nice Portraits Emerald. I like the tilted angles on some of the, it changes things up a little bit and adds something to the composition. I really enjoy looking at your portraits. Nice work.