Thursday, June 15, 2006

Starlit Tia

My first photo assignment for my internship was a portrait shoot in the Paramount in downtown Abilene. My job was to mirror Mike and try to get some different shots. Shooting in the Paramount was not as difficult as I had anticipated, it just took a little creativity with the settings and with photoshop. The subject's name is Tia, and she was having portraits of herself made for her husband who is stationed in Iraq. We were trying to go for modestly sexy and glamourous.

This last picture I couldn't decide whether I liked it best in color or in black and white so I put both. I like the creamy skin tones and pretty greens that complement Tia's skin and clothes, but I like how the black and white takes the pink distractions out and directs your focus to her face and eyes. Let me know what you think!


Laci said...

i like the BW in that last shot.
I like your work.. i've tried shooting in the paramount before and it can be difficult, but i'm glad it worked out for ya!

Gary Rhodes said...

The black and white works better for me, but the color one is great also. It's nice to have a picture that works so well in both dimensions. Also, the one of her on the couch with a wacky angle really drew my attention. Keep up the good work, it looks like both you and Laci are doing really well in the portrait department. Keep up the good work. It looks like next time we shoot a wedding together I will be helping you out! Honestly, the work you and Laci are doing is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Well, I like the color one better, although I don't really know why. Her skin is really pretty, and I think it's nice to show that off. Those are good pictures, Em!