Saturday, May 27, 2006

Who's on first...

Every year, ACU's yearbook, the Prickly Pear, includes a section of the top students from the graduating class. Each student has an individual portrait and information about their stay at ACU and what they intend to do after graduation. These students are all heavilly involved in some campus activity, have excellent GPAs and are nominated for this honor by professors. About 100 students are chosen, though not all of them choose to be featured in this section.

The funny thing about this year is I'm starting to know the people who are graduating. The first portrait is of my friend Kayla Anderson. The picture was taken at Starbucks and I like it because it's the one shot we took of her holding that blasted book that looks natural, like she really was reading and just looked up at me and smiled.

The second portrait is of another friend, Patrick Leech. Now this is regretably, not the shot we'll be using in the yearbook, but it is by far my favorite shot that I took.

1 comment:

Gary Rhodes said...

Nice portraits. I hope your summer is going well and you got the internship you wanted.