Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rockstars! (or the next best...well..somewhat close to it)

Saturday, ACU held a Battle of the Bands for Christian rock bands. I had never personally been to a Christian Battle of the Bands, and it was an interesting experience. Definately different in very singular ways--no alchohol, no cigarettes, and slightly quieter. The bands, however, were just as wild and crazy on stage.

Elijah Felding, Rhythm guitar for Everthorn

Everthorn was the first band to perform on Saturday and they were quite a shock for me. While I've been to Battle of the Bands before, I've never shot photographs of them. They move a LOT! Through the first song I was constantly playing with ISO and framing, attempting to get the shutter speeds fast enough and myself far enough back (using a 50mm lens) to catch all thier flailing limbs and do so in focus.

Justin Barton, bass guitar for Everthorn

This guy had some interesting facial expressions, he just moved so much I couldn't catch them in focus.

Phillip, vocalist, and Cody, bass guitar for Burgundy Road

These are two of the guys from Burgundy Road. This shot was interesting to take because Cody was jumping in circles in the background. I had to wait for him to face the way I wanted him to.

This girl is a friend of the Burgundy Road Band. I was testing ISOs on her before the first band started and really liked the backlighting...I just wish her huge purse wasn't so messy in the middle-ground.

1 comment:

Emerald Lemmons said...

If you ever need pictures for your website or anything, please give me a call and thanks for the complement!