Monday, January 23, 2006

In the beginning...

Once upon a time, in a land of the West (Texas), dusty and dry, there lived a girl studying to be a photojournalist. Although the girl had a fabulous camera, and knew several talented photographers, alas!, she still lacked some basic knowledge about the field and camera in general.

So to further her education (and because it was required) she paid a hefty tuition to sit through JMC 333: Photojournalism, at Abilene Christian University. There she met her professor, Cade White, who assigned this blog as a way to receive weekly feedback and force the girl to break her camera out from hiding under the bed.

Therefore, peruse these photos with an inquiring eye and please don't hesitate to comment.
Sincerely, the girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Through Mama tented lenses the girl always could make up a "good story". Let the fun begin! I look forward to the next post.