Saturday, September 23, 2006

My own wedding for once!

I decided to make a quick post about my own wedding for once. As most of you know, Eric and I will be getting married October 16 of this year (which is, like, 3 weeks away). I learned at Chris and Melissa's wedding that a lot of the people who recieved invitations to our wedding have been clandestinely visitng my blog without my knowledge and without leaving a comment...which is good--now that I know--because I can easily give you some links.

My parents, Karla and Andy McGowan (1979) my grandparents, Kay and Lad Smith (1937), and my great-aunt and uncle, Billie and Eloise Boyd (1941) were all married on October 16th--we'd like it to remain a tradition. Since this date falls on a Monday, however, it is not very convinient for the people who are special to us to be there. Because of that, I wanted to give you these links so that even if you can't come to the wedding, you can feel like you've seen it a little bit.

The wedding will be held at 6:00pm in the courtyard at the Grace Museum. This is approximately what it will look like at the reception:

Our engagement, bridal and wedding photos were/will be taken by Mike and Holly Ward at Belle's Bridal and Wedding Photography. You can view our engagement photos and my bridal portraits at this website by either clicking the hotlinks in this sentence or by visiting the Belle's site and clicking on proofing. You can view a few tasteful pictures from my lingerie shower at my friend Kayla's blog.

And here are a few pictures from the bridal shower our church in Louisiana threw for Eric and me. The photos were taken by our friend Sheila Murry.

me and my mom, Karla

the card my parents made for the set of pots they gave us
(this is also my favorite picture of me ever!)

the cake

to the left is my friend Anna, one of the bridesmaids, and her niece Chloe.
Chloe is helping record the gifts.

me and my mom again

from left to right:
my friend Meagan, me, my friend Anna
(the only bridesmaid not pictured is my friend Helena, though I've
been tempted to photoshop her in)

me and the hostesses--all women I've grown up knowing and loving

One last thing: please RSVP if you have not already done so. Thanks and we hope to see you in a few weeks!

Emerald and Eric


Kayla said...

I couldn't see your bridals when I clicked on the link. They didn't load or something. I really want to see them; help me! : )

Anonymous said...

It did that to me too - "Loading" appears and then nothing seems to load. Just click refresh and the whole thing is there. And keep your mouse off of the center of the screen. It makes it pause. Good luck!