I know I've posted about Fat Tuesday before, but I thought I'd explain again (since, after casually mentioning taking pictures of my Fat Tuesday Friends to my brother-in-law, he calmly told me that none of them looked fat to him...grrrrrrrr). A group of my friends take turns cooking for each other on Tuesdays. Since dessert is one of the most important parts of this meal--and we have it on Tuesday--we call it Fat Tuesday, a play on the original, which is also about gluttony. Coincidentally, this same set of friends are the ones who were wonderful enough to get me Indy for my birthday.
So last week at Fat Tuesday, we were talking about bluebonnets and decided we should all go take bluebonnet pictures as a group. Now, I'm the only one of our group who is not from Texas. I've never taken bluebonnet pictures of any kind before. In fact, I have never, before this weekend, been even six feet from a bluebonnet. Did you know bluebonnets have a smell???
Anyway, so, we set off around 2:00 down a farm road and finally decided to stop at some poor farmer's house. We drove down the mile long driveway and elected Kalyn and Kayla (who are definitely the most persuasive while still remaining cute) to knock on the door and ask if we could take pictures in the guy's front yard. He said yes.
Some of the pictures turned out looking like head-shots for the Miss Texas competition (Kalyn!!), but they all turned out pretty cute. And the girls were nice enough to wield my huge, more-buttons-than-a-Nasa-control-center camera to take a few shots of me.





Erin using my reflector cover to keep her hair from blowing in the
silly Abilene wind!

Us pretending we're models with "attitude,"
at least from the direction of our derrières.

After the bluebonnet shoot, we decided to make a quick stop in at
Dairy Queen--the perfect end to a characteristically Texan day.